Monday, January 26, 2015

A Lockout Service?

Spokane locksmith lockout service
Sometimes I feel that 50% of the jobs I get as a mobile locksmith technician are lockout services. Most of the times when a customer calls where he or she has been locked out of the car for example, you get the feel that they called a professional locksmith only as a last resort. Meaning, they wasted time and effort figuring out how to unlock their vehicle without having to spend any money and call a professional locksmith.

I got a call the other day from a customer who was locked out of his vehicle. Apparently, she left the keys in the ignition and without realizing she did that, she locked the doors behind her. The vehicle was an early 90's Toyota Corolla. I accepted the job and was heading over to the location of the vehicle. Since I already had much experience opening this type of vehicle, within two minutes the car was already unlocked and the customer was able to get her keys back. She was surprised into how fast I was able to open the vehicle and the fact that it costed less than a $100. She then decided to tell me the following story about her friend who has a 2011 Chevy Camaro and got locked out of his vehicle last week.

As the story began, she asked me if we provide lockout services for newer vehicles as well and I responded that we obviously do. Then she started telling her about her friend getting stuck with his Camaro last week and how his dad had to drive for an hour to get him the spare key, so he could open the vehicle because he was positive that a professional locksmith wouldn't be able to unlock a new-ish vehicle such as that. When I asked what was the reason he would think something like that, she mentioned that the mall security guard who came to try and unlock the vehicle with his Slim Jim tool, was not able to do that and claimed that this tool was what most professional locksmith technicians used to unlock vehicles.

Locksmith Spokane lockout service
As she finished the story with the last sentence, I started laughing and said to her that true professional locksmith technicians have many specialty type tools in which they use to open various types of makes and models. I also mentioned that most locksmiths constantly keep themselves updated with all the latest technology tools and newer vehicle make and models, so they can keep up with all the changes that are made as the technology progresses. I finished by giving her few of my business cards, so she can pass one to her friend in case he would ever get stuck again.

Visit the following links for more information on Spokane locksmith services. | Premier NorthWest Locksmith Spokane service.    

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